128 Days of Summer

Adventures from April 28 through September 1 of 2013

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Sunday, June 30

And herein commences the flurry of updating the last week.

Today was travel day, and it was long. Particularly long. I think it’s because we left so late in the day so we didn’t get there until even later and the afternoon just dragged on and on and on. However, I was really excited to get a break from “real life” for a while, and I din’t mind a whole lot. Plus, I got to drive for a little bit to prepare for my drivers test coming up! Part of the trip that got me the most was when my mom and sister started singing along to “zip a dee do da” … which was kind of weird, but regardless was good.

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Monday, June 17

2 things.

1. I have discovered I am hopelessly addicted to the written word. Be it books (aka the library that I visited again … our relationship is getting serious) or letters, I love it all. This realization came based on the fact that in addition to another library trip, I also mailed 12 letters today. This is a new record for my life. I’m not sure how good it is for me but the postal system must love me. I can only hope I get a few responses. But we shall see.

2. I took my sister to get her student card from UTM today. It’s so weird to see her growing up and doing these things that I did two years ago. Albeit, she goes about it a little differently and her school does stuff strangely, but I think she’ll enjoy university life next year. Once she figures out the way around the campus that is (did I mention it’s a pretty campus? SO much nicer than Ryerson. I mean, Rye has it’s charms, but honestly. Concrete can only be enhanced so much by green. Green itself is much nicer.).

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Saturday, May 18

Today at my Grandma’s was “work day”. I seriously think I got the longer end of the stick or something because my morning task wasn’t to pull weeds, chop wood, or do other outside labour intensive work. No, my job? To make cookies.


Anyhow, I also was able to visit with my aunt, which I don’t usually get to do very often on family gatherings because I’m outside working and she has to stay inside. I feel blessed to have been able to spend the time with her because she does have cancer, and as I said, I don’t get to spend a lot of time with her often.

I ALSO got to see one of my closest cousins. It was wonderful to get to catch up with him on his second semester of university and just see how God has been leading him and working in him this year.

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Thursday, May 9

As I’ve mentioned before, my sisters go to the Glee-art school place, and thus study music … a lot …

Today was special because it was my sister’s “senior recital”. I was excited because A. I got to hear her perform her songs she’s been practicing like a madwoman the last few days/weeks, and B. I designed the program (the little pleasures in life …)

Around the Flute in 80 Bars

She did really really well. I was so proud of her. As I tweeted … I can’t even TALK for 30 minutes let alone play the flute for 30 minutes. She’s being hard on herself for “hacking” (I think?) but I don’t even know what that means so I’m sure it is fine. She did quite well and I enjoyed hearing her play her pieces from different places. The theme of her recital was “Around the Flute in 80 Bars” (coined by me). I love puns.

Anyhow, she did really well. The ah … only hiccough was that there was a fire alarm. During her recital. In the middle of one of her songs. She handled it well, but it was kind of … weird. I haven’t done a fire drill since I graduated! I forgot how utterly pointless they really are. I guess thats just because we did them so often that it was second nature … we all laugh about it looking back. The confusion on the performer’s faces (she was performing a duet with a friend) were priceless.

Having a sense of humour makes everything better.

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Wednesday, May 1

So I know I said that I was only going to be talking about one thing a day … but there were TWO things I did today that were pretty cool (for me at least?).


I finished my Dog and Cat Cross Stitch! This is actually a huge deal. I love doing cross stitching and embroidery things, and I have since about second grade. The thing is … for a couple years there I got a TON of kits and things for latch hook rugs, cross stitching, and embroidery. These last few breaks I’ve had from school I’ve decided that its time to finish them all. I’ve finished the pillowcases I’ve had forever, a cat picture (which is adorable) and today I finished this cat and dog one!

This is not just an accomplishment for the fact that I actually finished something, but that I had to do about 50 french knots and so now I can actually DO them (I’ve always just asked my mom to do them before this…). So I basically just sat in front of the tv and cross stitched all day until I was done. And then I started the next one. If I ever actually finish it … I’m sure I’ll post about it!

Cat and Dog Cross Stitch
It’s a bigger picture…because I finally charged my camera battery and stopped cheating and using my phone…

Yup. It’s adorable.


My sisters are still in high school and thus in school (the poor dears) but their music night was tonight! I love music, having been a band geek myself. The extra bonus here is that they go to the school of the arts (aka their school has “majors” like in university. think Glee for bands, choir, art, drama, and dance). Anyway, it was a wonderful concert, and I enjoyed every moment. It made me THAT much more excited for my own high school concert I’m going to in two weeks.

I particularly love it when a group does a song a sang or played once. It brings back so many good memories, and just makes my heart happy. I’m so thankful for the opportunities I got in high school … and now I just really REALLY wish my university had a band! I’m sure I’ll get over it in a day or two …